In 1988 at a trial in Canada, a scientific report was made a matter of public record. This report should literally have changed the world. Instead, it is virtually unknown. What is in this report that is of such importance? Irrefutable scientific evidence that the execution gas chambers in Nazi Germany did not exists.
Fred A. Leuchter was put on the road to his momentous discovery when he was asked to act as an expert witness on gas chambers at the trial of Ernst Zundel in Canada. Zundel was on trial for the "hate crime" of publishing books that prove the "Holocaust" is nothing but a myth at best, or a 'hate crime' of another stripe at worst.
Here are the facts that are being suppressed:
Fred A. Leuchter, a 47 year old engineer, is America's leading expert in the design and fabrication of execution gas chambers. He earned his B.A. degree at Boston University in 1964, and did postgraduate work at Harvard Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, Massachusetts. For the past 9 years he has worked with most of the states having capital punishment as a consultant, designer and manufacturer of electrocution systems, lethal injection equipment, gallows and gas chamber hardware. He learned the standard history of World War II and the Holocaust in elementary school and college. He never saw any reason to question the basic truth of the history he had been taught.
Specifically, he was asked to perform a forensic analysis of the gas chambers located in Poland, which were said to have been used by the Nazis to kill millions of civilians. His job would be to testify about his findings in court-no matter what those findings were.
Forensics is the scientific analysis of physical evidence, and is practiced by every modern police force in the world. This science is being used more and more by modern historians, particularly in efforts to uncover hoaxes. One recent example is the analysis that proved the Shroud of Turan was not as old as had been claimed.
Mr. Leuchter's expertise in engineering and gas chamber operation and construction made him uniquely qualified for this assignment. The methodology he employed is his subsequent analysis was up to any professional standards and exceeded that of many police crime labs. He was recognized by the Canadian court as an expert witness.
In order to gather evidence, Mr. Leuchter had to travel to Poland. His visit was not officially sanctioned and would have been severely frowned upon had the government (ours and theirs) known his true purpose. In the event that he and his team were discovered they carried maps and made plans for a clandestine escape from behind the Iron Curtain. He had tools in the lining of his valise and brought along gifts to bribe museum officials in order to obtain documents from the official Archives.
His job in Poland was: on-site inspection of the alleged gas chamber and crematory facilities; collect physical samples for chemical analysis; and comparing the existing structures and original construction plans with what is known about the actual design and manufacture of gas chambers. He also had to determine the purpose and use of Zyklon B, the alleged execution gas, and its usefulness as such.
According to Mr. Leuchter's findings, supported by documentary evidence, Zyklon B was a commonly used fumigant during the period in question. It was used for pest and vermin control in order to limit the spread of plague and typhus carried by rats, fleas, and lice. It is an undisputed fact that the clothing of all incoming camp inmates was disinfected with Zyklon B. There were specially built chambers for this purpose.
It is important to note that these chambers were manufactured in Germany, before the war, and they followed modern (at that time) design and operation standards. It is also important to note that it has never been alleged that these chambers were ever used for anything other than their stated purpose: fumigating clothing.
Zyklon B is a very dangerous chemical and it is deadly. It is prepared in pellets which, when exposed to heated air, release hydrocyanic acid (HCN) in gas form. HCN is also used in execution gas chambers; the only difference being in the way it is released. Zyklon B is about the least efficient and effective method that could be devised.
Mere fumigation of an area, such as a building, with Zyklon B for pest control requires much less of the chemical than would be needed to kill large numbers of people. In order to safely handle even the amount used for fumigation, elaborate precautions must be observed.
In the gassing stories it is alleged that within minutes after the inmates died the doors to the chamber would be thrown open. Either guards or inmates would immediately begin removing bodies. In some of the stories the guards were smoking cigarettes while clearing out the chambers.
According to minimal standards for safety, when using only enough Zyklon B for pest control, the building must be ventilated for 10 hours before humans could be allowed inside. If it was absolutely necessary that someone enter earlier than that, they had to wear a complete chemical suit that left no exposed skin, and a gas mask. Gas masks are not considered safe and may never be used for more than 10 minutes at a time.
In execution gas chambers the body of the executee must be washed with ammonia before it can be handled to avoid poisoning. HCN gas is highly explosive. Thus, the picture of unprotected inmates and guards rushing in before the gas has even really begun to disperse, some even lighting cigarettes, and hauling off naked bodies covered with poison is totally ridiculous.
Some of the buildings in question were alleged to have been built specifically for use as gas chambers; others were said to have been converted to that purpose. Gas chamber construction has been of basically the same design since the first one was built in Arizona in 1920. Only some of the technical details have been improved.
The dangers involved in gas chamber execution were well known before WW II, as were the necessary precautions. For safe operation gas chambers must be air tight, with gasketed doors and windows. Brick or mortar walls must be sealed with pitch, tar, or an epoxy paint to prevent the porous material from absorbing the poison.
The electrical system, including lights, must be of explosion- proof construction. The chamber must have a special air intake and exhaust system, including a 40 foot vent stack to safely release the gas. Without such a height stack, the lethal concentration of gas would present a danger to everyone in the surrounding area before the air could dilute it.
For the safety of the operators in the event of a leak the special emergency system should include gas detectors, warning lights, horns, and bells, emergency breathing apparatus, and special HCN first aid kits. Due to the very complicated design problems (those listed only scratch the surface), a mistake in any area can, and very likely will, cause death or injury to anyone nearby.
Part Two - May/June Issue 1990 of the JUBILEE
Last JUBILEE we introduced Fred A. Leuchter, a 47-year-old engineer, and America's leading expert in the design and fabrication of execution gas chambers. He was asked to perform a forensic analysis of the gas chambers located in Poland, which were said to have been used by the Nazis to kill millions of civilians. He served as an expert witness on gas chambers in the 1988 trial of Ernst Zundel in Canada. Zundel was on trial for the "hate crime" of TEACHING that the "Holocaust" is nothing but a myth at best...
Leuchter's on-site inspection of Poland's "gas chambers" revealed the following faults in design, fabrication, and operation at Auschwitz and Birkenau which made it impossible for them to be gas chambers:
* No provision for gasketed windows, doors, or vents.
*Walls not sealed to prevent absorption or leakage of gas. Exposed mortar and brick construction would have accumulated HCN and thus been a danger to human life for several years. Almost everyone is familiar with photos of U.S. Congressmen who were inspecting the inside of the alleged gas chambers within days of the camps being liberated.
* Adjacent crematories present high potential for explosion.
* "Gas chamber" at Crematory #1 has floor drains that connect to the main sewer line of the camp, which would allow gas into every building in the facility.
* No exhaust system. Thus it would take longer than the prescribed 10 hours to ventilate, even when fumigated for pest control.
* No system for introducing or heating Zyklon B.
* Chambers are too small to physically hold the numbers alleged to have been gassed in each session.
* Doors all open inward. According to "Holocaust historians" people were packed into the chambers until there was barely room to breath. In some stories when the gas was released there would be a mad crush at the doors as desperate people tried to escape. How did they get the doors open despite the weight of all those dead bodies?
* With the room packed with people, the Zyklon B would not evaporate since there would be no possibility of any circulation. If it did somehow evaporate the HCN gas could not have circulated throughout the room in the short time alleged for the gassing to take place.
* None of the buildings were designed even remotely in accordance with standards for delousing facilities which were in safe and effective use for years in Germany, and which were designed and manufactured by German films. Nor were they in accordance with well known American execution gas chamber design. Though the Nazis were highly efficient and technologically advanced in all other areas of their war efforts, in this case- the supposed "main event" - they seem to have left those traits behind.
And at Majdanek:
* "Experimental gas chamber" was "rebuilt" after the war. The only parts of the building that existed prior to the rebuilding were the cremation ovens, according to forensic evidence.
* The building was allegedly reconstructed from original plans, but those plans do not exist today. Other plans for camp buildings are available.
* Chamber is too small to accommodate the alleged number of victims.
* The design of the chamber could not have contained the gas, which would have escaped and reached the ovens, and, after killing the operators, caused an explosion.
* The type of construction materials, poured concrete, is radically different from the other buildings at the facility.
* The building does not follow even minimal gas chamber design.
Bear in mind that these facts are based on scientific evidence ascertained by an impartial professional.
Samples were taken from the walls of the alleged gas chambers and brought back to the U.S. for chemical analysis. There were blue stains on the walls which Mr. Leuchter determined indicated that Zyklon B had probably been used in the rooms for some purpose. The question to be answered was whether or not the amount of gas used was consistent with the gas chamber allegations.
In order to make such a determination after all these years it was necessary to have something to compare the samples with. A "control sample." Such a sample was taken from one of the fumigation facilities which was used to disinfect clothing during the same period. The important point here is that the volume of gas used for executions would have been much greater than for fumigations. Thus, analysis should show a much higher level of cyanide residue from the alleged gas chambers than from the fumigation facility.
In fact, just the opposite occurred. When tested at an independent laboratory, most of the samples were negative, that is, there was not enough cyanide residue to even be detected. Those samples that tested positive were just at the detection level, which proves there was some gas exposure, but comparatively little. In the case of the control sample from the fumigation chamber an enormous amount of residue was detected. To illustrate the difference a graph was included in the report. On the graph, the sample with the highest positive result was depicted with a bar about 1/16th of an inch tall. In contrast, the control sample was depicted with a bar OVER 9 1/2 INCHES HIGH. It is therefore proved beyond question that nothing near the amount of gas alleged could have actually been used in the so-called "gas chambers."
Another area investigated by Mr. Leuchter was the allegation that many bodies were disposed of by burning them in pits. This allegation is necessary in the Holocaust story because there is no way the number of bodies claimed could have been disposed of in the allotted time. The pit locations were ascertained by using official museum maps upon which they were clearly marked. According to "witnesses" and official historians these pits were almost 20 ft deep. What was obvious almost from the moment of the investigative team's arrival was that Birkenau, where the pits were supposed to have been used, was built on a swamp. What was quickly discovered is that the water table is within 2 (two) feet of the ground surface in ALL of the pit locations. It is not possible to burn corpses under water - no matter how much fuel is poured on them.
Considering the size of the alleged gas chambers, and the technical capabilities and limitations of the gas, the maximum usage rate of the chambers (a very generous estimate) would be 1639 persons per week. If these actually were execution gas chambers it would have taken 68 years to kill the alleged number of victims.
If the crematories were operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, never stopping for cleaning or repairs, based on the size and number of crematories, it would take 35 years to burn all those victims.
Because the gassing didn't start until 1942, the horrors of the Nazi extermination program, this most terrible deed in history, will end in the year 2010. If we hurry we may stop them yet, and rescue European Jewry.
What you have read here just briefly touches on the evidence contained in the Leuchter Report. The actual report contains areas of investigation not mentioned here, along with as much technical information and documentation as anyone could ask for. How compelling is the evidence? David Irving is a world renowned historian and biographer. His one failing in this regard is that, like most modern historians, he uncritically accepted the "Holocaust" without examining the evidence closely. Author of the best-selling and highly acclaimed "Churchill's War" along with numerous other works on W.W.II, he is the one who exposed the infamous "Hitler Diaries" as fakes in 1983. After the critical examination of the evidence contained in the Leuchter Report, Mr. Irving came to the only possible conclusion: the stories of the mass gassing of humans at Auschwitz, Birkenau, and Majdanek are lies.